The OAL thanks you, our corporate partners, for supporting our state association. The OAL is the only organized group representing over 360 Optometrists in Louisiana, so your sponsorship dollars are especially visible to the Optometrists we represent.

Want to be added to our mailing list? Please send request to Dr. Robert Janot.
The OAL presents 3 CE Conferences each year, which are excellent opportunities to give your company exposure to a captive audience of Optometrists, all in one place, at one time:
Mid Winter Meeting: typically in February or March, various locations throughout the state; 8-12 hours of CE typically Friday &/or Saturday; several food functions; Vendor display tables
Annual Convention: every June, held in Baton Rouge, LA, from Friday-Sunday; 16+ hours of CE for Optometrists, 12+ hours of CE for staff members; Friday Exhibit Hall + weekend display tables; Technology Symposium; 2 OD Luncheons; Saturday Night Dinner & Social.
June Convention Vendor Registration NOW OPEN!
CE Conference Sponsorship Opportunities:
TECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM: (typically available only on Friday afternoon of June Conventions)
- A forum for sponsors to make a presentation to Optometrists during a time when no CE, meetings, nor other exhibits compete. PowerPoint or other presentation formats are welcomed. OD participation is high, in part because general CE credit is typically issued for those in attendance .
- The Technology Symposium is from 3:30-4:30 pm on Friday of the Convention, immediately preceding the opening of the Exhibit Hall.
- e-mail or call Dr. Robert Janot for more information or to purchase time for your company's presentation!
EXHIBIT HALL BOOTHS: (at this time, available only at the June Conventions)
- Friday night of the June Convention features our annual Exhibit Hall where vendor sponsors may purchase an 8 X 10 draped booth
- Hours for exhibits are 4:30 - 7:30pm and no CE nor other meetings compete during this time frame. Food & beverages (including cocktails) are served, pending COVID restrictions.
- The OAL Exhibit Hall attracts great numbers of ODs, Staff, and Guests, in part because of our "Passport to Prizes" program, where attendees visit booths to visit with vendors and, in the process, gain "passport stamps" to qualify for great prize give away!
- The Exhibit Hall usually sells out prior to the Convention, a great testimony to its success, so please plan on registering early!
- 6 or 8 foot (as provided by hotel) draped tables located in the foyer, just outside of the lecture room allows sponsors to visit with Optometrists & Staff before & after the CE programs, as well as during all breaks.
- Tables are available throughout the day(s) of the meeting for the June Convention (Friday & Saturday All Day, Sunday morning) and for the Mid Winter & Fall CE Conferences (Saturday All Day).
Other statewide venues to offer your support:
OAL Board Meetings (typically 3 per year): You may address the OAL Board of Directors (about 20 ODs who lead the state association) who typically meet over dinner the evening preceding the educational conferences.
Strategic Planning Meeting (typically held in August of each year, the OAL Board of Directors have a day long planning meeting, held at various locations throughout the state).
For more information or to reserve sponsorship for one or more of the above statewide sponsorship opportunities, please e-mail or call Dr. Robert Janot @ 337-607-5102.
If an "all inclusive" sponsorship package works better for your company, we can tailor a package to meet your needs and budget!
Local meetings need your support:
Local Society Meetings: the OAL is represented by 9 geographic areas (click for map) which we call "Societies". Each of these Societies have a president, who is part of the OAL Board of Directors (click for current OAL Board). Local Societies meet 3-4 times per year, typically as a dinner event combined with a sponsor presentation. Companies are encouraged to sponsor any number of these local Society meeting by providing a speaker and purchasing dinner for the ODs in attendance. Please contact the local Society Presidents to coordinate these meetings and to check on upcoming dates.

Local Society Meetings: the OAL is represented by 9 geographic areas (click for map) which we call "Societies". Each of these Societies have a president, who is part of the OAL Board of Directors (click for current OAL Board). Local Societies meet 3-4 times per year, typically as a dinner event combined with a sponsor presentation. Companies are encouraged to sponsor any number of these local Society meeting by providing a speaker and purchasing dinner for the ODs in attendance. Please contact the local Society Presidents to coordinate these meetings and to check on upcoming dates.